It turns out that the formula will produce 40 primes for the consecutive values n = 0 to 39. However, when n = 40, $40^2 + 40 + 41 = 40(40 + 1) + 41$ is divisible by 41, and certainly when n = 41, $41^2 + 41 + 41$ is clearly divisible by 41.
Using computers, the incredible formula $n^2 - 79n + 1601$ was discovered, which produces 80 primes for the consecutive values n = 0 to 79. The product of the coefficients, 79 and 1601, is 126479.
Considering quadratics of the form:
$$ n^2 + an + b, \text{ where } |a| \lt 1000 \text{ and } |b| \lt 1000 $$
Find the product of the coefficients, a and b, for the quadratic expression that produces the maximum number of primes for consecutive values of n, starting with n = 0.
#!/usr/bin/env python from collections import defaultdict from itertools import product from operator import mul import math from functools import reduce
deffactorize(n): if n < 1: raise ValueError('fact() argument should be >= 1') if n == 1: return [] # special case res = [] # iterate over all even numbers first. while n % 2 == 0: res.append(2) n //= 2 # try odd numbers up to sqrt(n) limit = math.sqrt(n+1) i = 3 while i <= limit: if n % i == 0: res.append(i) n //= i limit = math.sqrt(n+i) else: i += 2 if n != 1: res.append(n) return res
defnum_divisors(n): factors = sorted(factorize(n)) histogram = defaultdict(int) for factor in factors: histogram[factor] += 1 # number of divisors is equal to product of # incremented exponents of prime factors from operator import mul try: return reduce(mul, [exponent + 1for exponent in list(histogram.values())]) except: return1
defnum_primes(formula): num = 0 for n in range(1000): res = formula(n) if res < 1ornot is_prime(res): return num else: num += 1 defis_prime(num): if num_divisors(num) == 2and num > 1: returnTrue else: returnFalse
defmain(): most = 0 best = (0, 0) for a, b in product(list(range(-999,1000)), list(range(-999, 1000))): formula = lambda n: n**2 + a*n + b num = num_primes(formula) if num > most: most = num best = (a, b) print(mul(*best))
isPrime :: Int -> Bool isPrime n | n < 1 = False | otherwise = not $ or [n `rem` x == 0 | x <- [2..floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n]] coefficients :: [(Int, Int)] coefficients = [(a, b) | a <- [-999..999], b <- filter isPrime [0..999]]
primesProduced :: (Int, Int) -> Int primesProduced (a, b) = length $ takeWhile isPrime [n^2 + a*n + b | n <- [0..]]
main :: IO () main = print $ uncurry (*) $ maximumBy (compare `on` primesProduced) coefficients
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
CountConsecutivePrimes[a_, b_] := Block[{i}, For[i = 0, PrimeQ[i^2 + a * i + b], i++]; i]
publicfinalclassp027implementsEulerSolution{ publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){ System.out.println(new p027().run()); } public String run(){ int bestNum = 0; int bestA = 0; int bestB = 0; for (int a = -1000; a <= 1000; a++) { for (int b = -1000; b <= 1000; b++) { int num = numberOfConsecutivePrimesGenerated(a, b); if (num > bestNum) { bestNum = num; bestA = a; bestB = b; } } } return Integer.toString(bestA * bestB); } privatestaticintnumberOfConsecutivePrimesGenerated(int a, int b){ for (int i = 0; ; i++) { int n = i * i + i * a + b; if (n < 0 || !Library.isPrime(n)) return i; } } }